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STEMSkills is set to step up success from Secondary school to University in order to by bridge bridging the gap between education band empowerment towards a sustainable future


STEMSkills is a social enterprise established to fill the gap that exists between education and a skilled workforce, thereby contributing to economic, social and technological advancement. STEMSkills kick started January 17, 2019, with 4 founding members who aim to contribute to the attainment of the  Sustainable Development Goals 4 & 8 (Quality Education and Decent work & economic growth) through this initiative.  STEMSkills has since its inception partnered with local and international organizations to create awareness on the need and importance of STEM skills at all levels of schooling in order to meet the demand of the 21st century workforce for skilled workers.  


To Empower students with STEM skills for academic excellence and future careers towards a skilled workforce and economic growth


Our mission is to bridge the gap between education and a skilled workforce through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills:📌 Sensitization📌 Mentorship📌 Training and Workshop📌 Curriculum design

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