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Motivational Monday- Mae Jemison

Who is this woman? 🤔🤔🤔



Mae Jemison, Engineer, Astronaut & Doctor.

After earning her chemical engineering degree from Stanford University and her medical degree from Cornell Medical College, Jemison joined the Peace Corps and served as a doctor in Sierra Leone. Upon her return, she applied to the space program, eventually becoming the first African-American woman in space. She now works in the private sector, holds nine honorary degrees and remains a dedicated dancer.



After reading all that, I must say I am more than inspired.



📌 Did you notice she has degrees in 3 areas of STEM?


📌 Did you also note she is an Artist by being a dedicated dancer ?


📌 Then she is a social activist by choosing to volunteer in Sierra Leone.


📌 And she is obviously black and a woman 😁😁😁. The first African-American woman in space at that 💪💪💪



Look, do not confine yourself to being one thing. You have the capacity to excel at many things.

STEM was created to link the 4 aspects together. Take advantage of this.



Do not let stereotypes Limit you!


Define your own Limits!!


Go ahead and conquer !!!



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